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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 0楼 发表于: 2005-12-11


主诉:chief complaints. The main pain or the most prominent symptom or sign the patient feels. It is also the main reason why the patient visits.

体征和症状:symptom is the abnormal, discomfortable, or painful sensation the patient feels, or objective pathosis. Sign is the change discovered by the doctor or others in clinical examination.

稽留热:continued fever. T: keeps at 39~40℃ constantly. Circadian variation <1℃.  Seen in pneumonia, typhoid fever.

弛张热:remittent fever. T >39℃. Circadian variation >2℃. Seen in rheumatic fever, tuberculosis, septicemia.

牵涉痛:Referred pain. The diffuse pain arise from somatic or visceral structures . It projects to a more superficial region with the same segmental innervation. Pain of coronary insufficiency may be felt along the inner aspect of the arm or in the left interscapular region.

紫绀:Cyanosis is a bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes. It results from reduced hemoglobin or abnormal hemoglobin pigments in the blood perfusing these areas.

隐血:occult. Slight alimentary tract hemorrhage. Without discoloration of the feces. It is only through OBT the hemafecia is discovered.

端坐呼吸:Orthopnea is difficulty in breathing in the supine position. This may be relieved by sitting up, which reduces the degree of pulmonary congestion by pooling blood in the lower extremities and lowering left ventricular filling pressure. It improves the diaphragmatic movement, increasing vital capacity. Seen in left heart failure.

夜间阵发性呼吸困难:Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea. The patient awakes short of breath at night, but often obtain relief by sitting up for a period. The supine position for sleep results resorption of extracellular fluid into the intravascular space, causing arising in filling pressure. Seen in left heart failure.

心源性哮喘:cardiac asthma. LHF, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, orthopnea, cyanosis, diaphoresis, wheezing, pink frothy sputum, moist rale on chest button, rapid HR and gallop may occur.

黄疸:jaundice. Accumulation of bilirubin in the bloodstream causes yellow pigmentation of the plasma, leading to discoloration of perfused tissues. Clinically, hyperbilirubinemia appears as jaundice, yellow pigmentation of the skin and sclera.

咯血:Hemoptysis is the expectoration of blood from the airway below larynx. Patients complain of coughing up blood. The nose, mouth and upper respiratory tract must be searched carefully by the mirror examination to rule out the possibility that blood may come from those areas.

眩晕:dizziness vertigo. Vertigo implies the illusory sensation of turning or spinning -- either of the patient himself or his environment. Without conscious disturbance in general. Seen in labyrinth, vestibule and cerebellum disease, and also seen in other systems or systemic disease.

晕厥:faint. Temporary unconsciousness caused by extensive ischemia of brain for a period. The patient can’t keep normal normal position and falls due to loss of tention of muscle. Onset suddenly but recover soon, and sequelae are few.

强迫体位:compulsive position. The patient has to take this position to relieve the pain or discomfort.

垂体性侏儒症:pituitary dwarfism. Abnormal small body caused by hypophyseal growth hormone secretion decreasing. The patient’s intelligence is normal.

蜘蛛痣:spider angioma. Angioma caused by the end of cutaneous arteriolar branches distention. Distribute as same as the superior vena cava does. Estrogen inactivation of liver decreased may be the cause. Seen in hepatitis, cirrhosis.

杵状指:acropachy. The tips of the fingers are bulbous, resembling the ends of drumsticks, and there is excessive curvature of the nails in all directions. When chronic hypoxia, metabolic dysfunction or poisoning, the capillaries of ends of the extremities dilate and the soft tissue hyperplasia, causing enlargement. Seen in respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases and malnutrition.  

三凹征three depression sign. Include intercostal space, supraclavicular fossa, suprasternal fossa. Indication of upper-respiratory tract obstruction.

库什摩呼吸:Kussmaul breathing. Deep and quick breath could appear during serious metabolic acidosis. The HCO3- in the extracellular fluid is not enough, and PH is lower. For compensation, CO2 is eliminated by the lung to maintain the acid-base balance. Seen in diabetic ketoacidosis and uremic acidosis.

潮式呼吸:Cheyne-Stokes breathing. Respiration waxes and wanes cyclically so that periods of deep breathing alternate with periods of apnea. The periods of tidal breath can last from 30s to 2min. the periods of apnea can persist 5-30s. So only through carefully and long enough observation, the whole process could be realized.

毕奥呼吸:Biot’s breathing. Characterized by unpredictable irregularity. Breaths may be shallow or deep, and stop for a short periods. Mainly seen in CNS disease.

捻发音:crepitus. a very fine and harmonious rale, which occurs at the end of inspiration. It is like the sound when one holds a bundle of hair near your ear and sub it. Caused by reopening of the bronchioles in inspiration, when bronchiolar wall adheres due to secretion in expiration. Seen in bronchiolar and vesicular inflammation or edema, exp. Pulmonary congestion, early pneumonia.

心尖负性搏动:inward impulse. Apex impulses inward in systole. Seen in adhesive pericarditis and severe RVH.

靴状心:shoe-like heart. LVH, the cardiac dullness extends to the left and downward. The heart silhouette is like a shoe. It is frequently seen in AR, hypertension. It is also called aortic heart.

脉搏短绌:pulse deficit. When atrial fibrillation, the premature ventricular beat can’t transport enough blood to peripheral arteries. Then the pulse rate is less than heart rate.

奔马律:gallop. The extra sound presents in the diastolic period, which comprises the three sounds cardiac rhythm. Due to the coexistence of tachycardia, the extra sound and the former S1, S2 produce “gallop” sounds. It reflects the myocardium is severely damaged. Classified into: ①protodiastolic gallop; ②late diastolic gallop; ③summation gallop.

开瓣音:opening snap. This diastolic extra sound occurs after the S2 in MS. It is brief in duration and high in pitch than other gallop sounds. It is due to the vibration of the opening AV valve suddenly stopped during the blood from LA into LV. The OS indicates a flexible valve and an evidence that the mitral commissurotomy is suitable.

期前收缩:premature beat. A sudden extrasystole of the heart in the basis of normal heart rhythm, after which there is a relative long compensative interval.
S1↑,S2↓       Pulse absent      Ectopic point at atrium, AV node, ventricle.

周围血管征:peripheral artery sign. Sign of pulse pressure elevated. Include water hammer pulse, pistol shot sound, Duroziez M, capillary pulsation. Seen in severe AI, hyperthyroidism, severe anemia.

水冲脉:water hammer pulse. Ascend and descend steeply, also called collapsing pulse. Caused by peripheral artery distention or blood regurgitation. Indication of pulse pressure increased. Seen in hyperthyroidism, anemia and AI, PDA.

Austin Flint杂音:The diastolic murmur of relative MS may occurs in AI. It is termed Austin Flint murmur. Do not accompanying with loud S1 or opening snap. The mechanism are the blood regurgitating from the aorta into LV striking the MV area up, produce relative MS.

Graham Steell 杂音:The diastolic murmur at this area, most are produced by relative PI. The Grahan Steell murmur is also a relative murmur.

连续性杂音:continuous murmur. Begins after S1, crescendo, peak intensity at S2, envelop S2, decreased at early-middle diastole producing a large diamond sharp. Harsh, mimic the sound of machine rotating. Best heart at second intercostal space. Seen in PDA.

麦氏点:Mcburney point. The outer 1/3 point on the line between the right anterior superior iliac spine and navel. Tenderness at this point indicates the disease of appendix.

移动性浊音:shifting dullness. There is large amount of of fluid in the abdominal cavity(>1000ml). Because fluid always flows downward, change of body position will lead to fluid flowing, and the dullness also variable.

Courvoisier sign: the presence of the carcinoma of head of pancreas cause the stricture of the bile duct. Then jaundice progressively develops. In palpation, it can be felt that the gallbladder prominently enlarged, but without pain.

Murphy sign: The doctor puts the left palm on the button of patient’s right ribs and presses the thumb on the gallbladder point. When the patient takes a deep inspiration, the gallbladder moves downwards to meet the pressing thumb, which causes pain and make the patient stop breathing. It is called Murphy sign. Seen in cholecystitis.

腹膜刺激征:peritoneal stimulation sign. Include rigidity of the abdomen, abdominal tenderness and rebound tenderness. Seen in acute peritonitis.

浅反射:superficial reflex. Include corneal reflex, abdominal reflex, cremasteric reflex, plantar reflex, anal reflex.

病理反射:Pathologic Reflex. When pyramidal tract injury, the brain fails to accomplish its inhibition on the brainstem and spinal cord, then abnormal reflexes appears. Mainly include Hoffmann sign, Babinski sign, Chaddock sign, Oppenheim sign and Gordon sign.

脑膜刺激征:meningeal stimulation sign. Signs appear when meninges was simulated. Seen in meningitis, subarachnoid space hemorrhage and intracranial pressure elevated. Include neck rigidity, Kernig sign and Brudzinski sign.

病理性Q波:pathologic Q wave. Amplitude >=1/4R wave in the same lead, duration >=0.04s. Seen in myocardial infarction. Also called necrotic Q wave.

III度房室传导阻滞:Third-degree (complete) AV block. The atria and ventricle beat independently because stimuli cannot pass through the AV junction. The atrial rate is faster than the ventricular rate; the PR interval constantly changes.

二尖瓣型心脏:heart of mitral valve. In palpation, the cardiac dullness extends in the 2nd and 3rd intercostal space; the cardiac waist dilates; the heart silhouette is like a pear. LAH and RVH caused by MS, pulmonary hypertension.

肺型P波:RAH, amplitude of P wave>0.25mV in II lead, P wave steep and high. Seen in pneumocardial disease.

二尖瓣P波:LAH, duration of P wave>0.12s, interval between two peaks>0.04s, seen in MS.

内生肌酐清除率:Ccr=Ucr/Scr *UV (ml/min). reference value: adult 80~120ml/min. Early index of GFR.

肾小球性蛋白尿:glomerular proteinuria. When glomerular filter membrane is injury and its permeability increased, amounts of plasma protein flow into tubules, which overburden the tubules. Seen in glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome and other primary glomerular injury disease; also in diabetes, hypertension SLE and other secondary glomerular injury disease.
[ 此贴被清风在2008-10-17 20:46重新编辑 ]








只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2005-12-11
致热源包括exogenic pyrogen 和endogenic pyrogen。
引起发热的病因很多,临床上分为infective 和non-infective两大类。
常见热型有continued fever, remittent fever, intermittent fever, recurrent fever, undulant fever, irregular fever.
非感染性休克主要有以下几类原因:absorption of necrotic substances, Ag-Ab reaction, endocrine and metabolic disturbance, decreased elimination of heat from skin, dysfunction of central heat regulation, dysfunction of vegetative nervous system。
发热的分度:低热37.3-38, 中等度热38.1-39, 高热39.1-41, 超高热>41.

皮肤黏膜出血的基本病因有:dysfunction of blood vessel wall, abnormality of platelet’s amount or function, dysfunction of blood coagulation.

产生水肿的主要因素有retention of sodium and water, capillary filtration pressure increased, capillary permeability increased, colloid osmotic pressure of blood plasma decreased, return through lymph interrupted.
全身性水肿包括cardiogenic, nephrogenic, hepatogenic, malnutritional, other causative.

血红蛋白正常者,当血中还原血红蛋白值 >50g/L,氧饱和度(SATO2)<0.85时,查体可即可发现发绀。
周围性紫绀的产生是由于venous congestion, arterial ischemia.

根据发病机制,将呼吸困难分为pulmonary, cardiogenic, poisoning, neuropsychogenic, hematopathic.

恶心呕吐的病因按发病机制分为gastrointestinal original, reflective, central, neurogenic.
呕血的原因以peptic ulcer最常见,其次为esophageal or gastric fundus vein rupture,再次为acute gastric mucous membrane disease.
少量消化道出血,每日5ml以下,无肉眼可见的粪便颜色改变者称为occult blood feces.
鲜血便常见病因有hemorrhoid, anal fissure, rectum polyp, rectum carcinoma, bacillary dysentery, amebic dysentery.

腹痛按其传入神经及临床表现可分为somatic, visceral, referred.
腹痛问诊要点可用字母PQRST表示,分别代表询问腹痛的past history (cause and relief factor), quality, region, severity, time characteristic.

黄疸按病因学可分为hemolytic, hepatocytic, obstructive, idiopathic non-hemolytic.

膀胱刺激征包括urinary frequency, urgency, odynruia.

意识障碍根据不同程度的表现分为:somnolence, confusion, stupor, coma.
浅昏迷的临床表现主要有loss of most consciousness, without automatic movement, without reflex to light or sound stimuli.

体格检查的基本方法有4种,inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation.
触诊时,由于目的不同而施加的压力有轻有重,因而可分为superficial part和deep part.
叩诊音,在临床上可分为resonant note, tympanic resonance, hyperresonant note, dullness, flatness.

体温测量常用的方法有三种:oral, axillary, anal.
局限性淋巴结肿大可见于inflammation, tuberculosis, pernicious tumor metastasis through lymph nodes.

甲状腺肿大可分为三度:I度为can’t be seen but palpated, II度为seen and palpated, within sternomastoid muscle, III 度为beyond sternomastoid muscle.

佝偻病胸包括 rachitic rosary, Harrison’s groove, funnel chest, pigeon chest.
正常呼吸模式包括diaphragmatic respiration (male); costal respiration (female).
气管被推向健侧可见于pleural effusion, pneumothorax, mediastinal tumor.
语颤增强常见于lobar pneumonia, pulmonary TB, lung abscess, pulmonary infarction, pulmonary CA, pressed atelectasis.
肺下界移动度减弱见于emphysema, atelectasis, pulmonary inflammation and edema, massive pleural effusion and pneumothorax.
正常肺部呼吸音可分为vesicular breath sound, bronchial breath sound, bronchovesicular breath sound.
湿啰音的特点是brief in duration, occur in series, mainly in inspiration, immobile, invariable in quality, big, medium, small bubble sounds can occur simultaneously, appear or disappear after cough.

心房颤动时,脉率少于心率,脉搏脱漏现象称pulse deficit.
完全性房室传导阻滞时,出现房室分离,若出现心房与心室同时收缩,则S1极响,称为cannon sound.
舒张期附加音包括gallop; opening snap; Pericardial knock.
收缩期附加音包括Early systolic ejection sound; Mid and late systolic click.
心脏听诊内容包括rate, rhythm, cardiac sound, extra sound, murmur, pericardial friction sound.
心脏杂音的产生取决于blood accelerate, valve narrowed or insufficiency, abnormal connection.


门静脉高压的三联征portal hypertension’s three signs: ascites; portal collateral circulation; splenomegaly.
引起肝脏扩张性搏动的原因为tricuspid insufficiency.
肝脏浊音界扩大见于hepatoma, liver abscess, hepatitis, liver congestion, polycystic liver.
腹腔积液常见于cirrhotic portal hypertension, heart failure, constrictive pericarditis, carcinoma of peritonium metastasis, nephrotic syndrome.

只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 2005-12-11
nephrogenic edema cardiogenic edema
location onset from the face       then downward onset from the lower part of the body, the upward
progression progress quickly progress slowly
indentity soft and mobile relatively solid, less mobile
other signs Proteinuria, hypertension, impaired renal functional test cardiac enlargement, renous distention, hematomegaly

ischemic T wave change (ischemic change)
ST segment elevation (injury change)
Abnormal Q wave or QS wave (necrosis change)


Inspection Palpation Percussion Auscultation
Chest appearance Respiratory movement Trachea location Vocal fremitus Note Breath sound rale Vocal resonance
Consolidation Symmetrical Diminished on the affected side Central Increased on the affected side Dullness or flatness Bronchial breath sound Moist rale Strengthened
Emphysema Barrel-shaped Diminished on both sides Central Diminished on both sides Hyperresonant note Diminished Always without Diminished
Atelectasis Denting of the affected side Diminished on the affected side Deviate toward the affected side Diminished or disappeared Dullness Disappeared or diminished Moist rale or rhonchi Disappeared or diminished
Pleural effusion Fullness of the affected side Diminished or disappeared on the affected side Deviate toward the normal side Diminished or disappeared dullness Bronchial sound above the effusion Without Diminished or disappeared
Thickened pleura Denting of the affected side Diminished on the affected side Deviate toward the affected side Diminished Dullness Diminished Without Diminished
pneumothorax Fullness of the affected side Diminished or disappearanced on the affected side Deviate toward the normal side Diminish or disappeared Tympany Diminished or dissapeared Without Diminished or disappeared

Bronchial breath sound heard at the locations where vesicular breath sound should be heard. Caused by consolidation of lung tissue (lobar pneumonia), big cavity in the lung (TB or lung abscess), pressed atelectasis (above the effusion region).

The apical impulse is occurring early in systole. In adults the apical impulse normally is located in the left fifth intercostal space, 0.5-1.0cm medial to the left midclavicular line and about 2-2.5 cm diameter, it serves the examiner as a marker for the onset of cardiac contraction.
Displacement of the apical impulse seen in heart disease,
Heart disease:
Left and inferior in LVH or both dilation; left laterally in RVH; at right in dixtrocardiac; disappear in massive pericardial effusion.
Thoracic disease:
Toward the normal side in pneumothorax and pleural effusion; toward the affected side in pleuraladhesion and ateleotasis.
Abdominal disease: The apical impulse also can be displaced by large mass, massive ascites.
The apical impulse may have increased amplitued and duration in those persons with a thin chest, anemia, fever, hyperthyroidism and anxiety. The examiner should always observe the shape and contour of patint’s chest. Depressions of the sternum, Kyphosis of dorsal spine, scoliosis often alter the shape and position of the apical impulse.

Pulses diminish or disappear during the inspiration, cause by less LV output. during inspiration, blood is pooled in the pulmonary circuit, resulting from the expansion of the lungs and an increase in the negative intrathoracic pressure. In turn this results in a decrease in the return of blood to the left side of the heart, a decrease in left ventricular output, and thus a decrease in arterial blood pressure. Seen in massive pericardial effusion, constrictive pericarditis.

Produced because there presents stricture or partial obstruction of the trachea, bronchi or bronchioles.
Air though these pathways becomes turbulent, the pathologic basis for which is inflammatory membranous congestion and edema oversecretion, bronchial muscular spasm, obstruction due to tumor and foreign bodies in the bronchial lumen, and stricture due to oppression of extratubal enlarged lymph nodes or mediastinal tumors.
They are continuous relatively long, and musical adventitious breath sound. Rhonchi are rather high-pitched.
Audible both during inspiration and expiration, in general, more prominent during expiration.
Rhonchi are easily variable in intensity, quality and location. Sometimes they change obviously instantly.
Some rhonchi, which occur in the large air passages above main bronchi, may be very loud, audible easily even with out stethoscope.

S3 gallop Normal S3
occur in severe organic heart disease adolescent and pregnant woman
HR >100bpm 60~100bpm
interval S1-S2-S3-S1 almost equal S3-S2 near
blood vessel pulsus alternans Normal
PS:Normal S3 will disappear in standing or sitting position.

S3 gallop
In early diastole, the blood through into ventricle from atrium in failing myocardium, the ventricular wall tension is poor, produce vibration.
Reflect that the ventricular function↓.
lower in pitch
after S2
best heard at apex
loudest at the end of expiration
S4 gallop
At late diastole, related to atrial contraction.
In LVEDP↑, compliance↓, atrial contraction↑.
①Occur precede S1, far from S2.
②Low-pitch, best heard at apex
③Tensity: end of expiration↑(from LA)
end of inspiration↑(from RA)s

A very high frequency impulse coming from the atrial ectopic point, in multi-reentry.
Three irregularities: ①ventricular rhythm; ②S1 intensity; ③Heart rate– pulse (pulse deficit).
rapid irregular undulations of the baselines (fibrillatory wave) occur instead of P waves.
Rate: 350~ 600bpm
Ventricular rate absolutely irregular.

The distinction between hemoptysis and hematemsis
Hemoptysis Hematemesis
History: T.B, bronchiectasis Ulcer, cirrhosis
Presymptom: Cough, chest discomfortable Vomit, nausea, epigastric discomfort
mode of expectoration: blood spitting Vomiting
color of blood: bright red Dark red and black
Material mixed with blood mixed with air bubble and sputum contain food debris gastric juice
pH Alkaline Acid
melena No Yes
Occasionally swallowed may continue for several days

Respiratory dyspnea can be divided into three clinical types.
Inspiratory dyspnea
Inspiratory dyspnea occurs in stenosis or obstruction of larynx, trachea and major bronchi.
Characterized by three depression sign ( suprasternal fossa, supraclavicular fossa, intercostal spaces) in the inspiration. Accompanied by a coarse, low pitched inspiratory wheezing and dry cough.
Expiratory dyspnea
Expiratory dyspnea is due to the decrease of lung elasticity and spasm narrowing of the bronchioles. Seen in emphysema, bronchial asthma and asthmatic bronchitis. Expiration is prolonged and laboured with wheezing.
Mixed dyspnea
Mixed dyspnea Results in the decrease of ventilation and gas exchange capacity, and both inspiration and expiration is difficult.
Seen in extensive lung diseases, exp. severe pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis, massive atelectasis, pleural effusion and pneumothorax.

functional organic
age children & adolescence any age
location PV area or apex any region
quality soft, blowing coarse, blowing, high-pithed
duration brief relatively long, pansystolic
intensity <=Grade 2/6 >=Grade 3/6
thrill without occur when >3/6
conduction localized far and extensive along the blood flows

type Hemolytic Hepatocytic Obstructive
type Hemolytic Hepatocytic Obstructive
TB Increase Increase Increase
CB Normal Increase prominently increase
CB/TB <15%-20% >30%-40% >50%-60%
UB - + +
urobilinogen Increase slightly increase decrease or disappear
ALT,AST Normal prominently increase may increase
ALP Normal Increase prominently increase
GGT Normal Increase prominently increase
PT Normal Prolonged Prolonged
对VitK反应 No Bad Well
cholesterol Normal slightly increase or decrease prominently increase
plasma protein Normal ALB decrease, GlB increase Normal

Breath shallow and quick; respiratory movement limited of affected side; intercostal spaces fullness; apical impulse and trachea deviate toward normal side; vocalfremitus and vocal resonance diminished or disappeared, dullness on effusion region; bronchial breath sound above effusion region.

Intercostal space dilated of affected side; respiratory movement diminished; vocal fremitus and vocal resonance diminished or disappeared; trachea and heart deviate toward normal side; tympany; liver dullness downward when right side pneumothorax; breath sound diminished or disappeared of affected side.

Vocal fremitus refers to the palpable vibrations transmitted through the bronchopulmonary system to the chest wall when the patient speaks.
Fremitus is decreased or absent when too much air in the alveoli (emphysema); bronchial obstruction (obstructive atelectasis); massive pleural effusion or pneumothorax; severe pleural thickening and adhesion; air cyst below the chest wall.
Fremitus is increased when vesicular inflammation (lobar pneumonia in consolidation period, extensive lung infarction); big cavity next to the pleura (TB, lung abscess).

movement range of the lower pulmonary boundary decreases caused by elasticity diminish of lung tissue in emphysema; atrophy of lung tissue in atelectasis or pulmonary fibrosis; pulmonary inflammation or edema. Movement disappear in massive effusion, pneumothorax, pleural adhesion and paralysis of diaphragmatic nerve.

Due to passage of air through thin secretions in the respiratory tract, such as exudate, sputum, blood, or mucus. Reopening of the bronchioles in inspiration, when bronchiolar wall adheres due to secretion.

General data, chief complaint, history of present illness, past history, review of systems, personal history, family history, menstrual history, childbearing history, family history.

Onset and duration of the disease; Main symptoms, location and their character; Etiology and provoking factors; Evolution of disease; Associated symptoms; treatment and its effects; General condition, especially the dietary habit.

只看该作者 3楼 发表于: 2005-12-11





只看该作者 4楼 发表于: 2005-12-11
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只看该作者 6楼 发表于: 2005-12-11

只看该作者 7楼 发表于: 2005-12-11
只看该作者 8楼 发表于: 2005-12-12
随 机 事 件哈哈,运气来了挡也挡不住,天上掉下 36 个啄木币砸在你头上!

俺觉得 诊断学想拿高分 并不一定要用英语答 把课本看的细一点 就行
只看该作者 9楼 发表于: 2005-12-13

只看该作者 10楼 发表于: 2005-12-13
下面是引用秋之湖于2005-12-13 15:27发表的:HEHEHE好强奖励小红花一朵,呵呵

只看该作者 11楼 发表于: 2005-12-15
只看该作者 12楼 发表于: 2005-12-16
只看该作者 13楼 发表于: 2005-12-17
谢谢 分享 有了它 考九十了
只看该作者 14楼 发表于: 2005-12-18
限100 字节
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