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[英语]《贫民富翁》Slumdog Millionaire台词精讲 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 正序阅读 使用道具 0楼 发表于: 2009-03-18
Woman: Please, please. What time is the next tour? We are on tight schedule. You see, we have to see the Red Fort this afternoon.

Jamal Malik: No, I...

Woman: Please, would it be possible to show us around now? Obviously we understand that it costs more for just the two of us.

Jamal Malik: But of course madam! Please follow me. The Taj Mahal was built by Emperor Khurrama for his wife Mumtaz, who was the maximum beautiful woman in the world. Then when she died, the emperor decided to build this five-star hotel, for everyone who would like to visit her tomb. But he died in 1587 before any of the rooms were built, or any of the lifts. But this swimming pool as you can see was completed on schedule in top class fashion.

Woman: Is says nothing of this in the guide book.

Jamal Malik: The guide book was written by a bunch of lazy good-for-nothing Indian beggars. And this lady and gentlemen is the burial place of Mumtaz.

Woman: How did she die?                  

Jamal Malik: A road traffic accident.

Woman: Really?

Jamal Malik: Maximum pile-up.

Man: I thought she died in childbirth.

Jamal Malik: Exactly sir. She was on the way to hospital when it happened.


1.on tight schedule:排得紧紧的时间表。影片中游客对Jamal说:“我们赶时间。” 来看例句:

do not they know how tight my schedule be? 他们不晓得我的日程安排有紧多吗?

Well, you do have a very tight schedule here.你的时间确实很紧。

2.show sb.around:带某人四处转转。影片中游客对Jamal说到:“你能带我们四处转转吗?” 来看例句:

I'll show you around! 我带你四处逛逛!

I'll send someone to show you around. 我派人带你到周围转转。

3.a bunch of:一束,扎,捆。这里Jamal的意思是说:“旅游手册都是一帮好吃懒做的印度乞丐写的。”来看一个例句:

She arrived bearing a bunch of grapes.她来了,带来了一串葡萄。

4.good-for-nothing:无用的人,废物, 无价值的人。

Her nephew is good for nothing. 她侄子无用。

"Get out of here, you good-for-nothing fool!" "滚,你这个饭桶!"

5.pile-up:多车相撞,发生撞车事故的车辆。Jamal对游客说:“严重的多车相撞交通事故。” 来看下面的例句:

That motorway pile-up was a bad job. 那条汽车道挤满了汽车,情况很糟糕。

He was killed in a four-car pile-up.他死于一次4车相撞交通事故。

pile-up 也有堆积,积聚的意思,比如:

There was a pile-up of goods because the rail strike. 铁路工人罢工造成货物积压。







只看该作者 3楼 发表于: 2009-03-18
只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 2009-03-18

Jamal: Its a fortune. Id like to phone a friend.

Host: Youre going to the wire. The final lifeline. Here we go. Its ringing! Who is it?

Jamal: Thats my brothers number, but...

Host: The kind of brother, who go for a walk on a 20 million rupee question?

Jamal: Its the only number I know.

Host: You are on your own, Jamal.

Latika: Hello? Hello, Jamal?

Host: Im guessing that isnt your brother. This is...

Latika: My name is Latika.

Host: Okay, Latika. You want to hear the question one more time? And lets be clear about this. 20 million rupees right on your answer, you have 30 seconds. Jamal, pleaseread out the question to Latika now.

Jamal: It is really you?

Latika: Yes.

Host: The question, Jamal. The question!

Jamal: In Alexandre Dumas book, the "The Three Musketeers", two of the musketeers are called Athos and Porthos. What was the name of the third Musketeer? Was it A: Aramis, B: Cardinal Richelieu, DArtagnan or D: Planchet?

Host: 15 seconds!

Jamal: Where are you?

Latika: I am safe.

Host: 10 seconds! Latika, what do you think?

Latika: I dont know. Ive never known. Jamal, without money...

Host: You really are on your own now, Jamal, your final answer for 20 million rupees.

Jamal: A.

Host: A, because?

Jamal: Just... because.

Host: Final answer?

Jamal: Yes, final answer. A , Aramis. Computer, A. Jamal Malik, Call Center assistant from Mumbay, chaiwalla, for two draws 20 million rupees. You were asked who the third musketeer was in the novel by Alexander Dumas. You answered A, Aramis. Which is. I have to tell you. The right answer!


1.go to the wire: 这里是打电话的意思。主持人对Jamal说:“最后一个求救了, 电话连线!” 通常短语 go to the wire的意思是“某一事接近结束,将要到达终点”。例如:

This years race will go down to the wire.今年的常规赛就要结束了。

2.lifeline:救生索,生命线。片中主持人用the finallifeline 提醒这是Jamal最后一个求助机会。来看例句:

Lenders offer borrowers a lifeline. 贷款人提供借款人的生命线。

This will be your lifeline.这可是你的救命稻草了。

3.go for a walk on:片中主持人见求助电话一直无人接听,打趣道:“在弟弟为了2千万卢比求助,自己却置若罔闻的那种哥哥吗?” 这里是袖手旁观的意思。通常“go for a walk”是散步的意思。例句:

Lets go for a walk on the deck first.我们先到甲板上去散散步吧。

4.on ones own:独立的,独自的。主持人对Jamal说:“你得靠你自己了 Jamal。” 来看例句:

I only act on my own principles.我只按自己的原则办事。

Loneliness is a party on ones own.孤单是一个人的狂欢。

5.be clear about:清楚对...的意图。主持人说到:“让我们清楚这一点,2千万卢比取决于你的答案。” 来看下面的例句:

Be clear about what you want. 清楚知道你想要的。

Let me be clear about something.我必须弄清楚一些事情。
只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2009-03-18

Host: Cambridge Circus is not in Cambridge. Can I ask why?

Jamal Malik: Too obvious. There's definitely an Oxford Circus in London There's a rowing race between Oxford and Cambridge, so there's probably a Cambridge Circus too, no? I'll go for D. London.

Host: Computer D. Jamal Malik, you are absolutely right. It's getting hot in here.

Jamal Malik: Are you nervous?

Host: What? Am I nervous? It's you who's in the hot seat, my friend.

Jamal Malik: Oh yes, sorry.

Man: He'sgot prey on the run.

Woman: Finally.

Host: A few hours ago you were giving chai for the phone wallas. And now you're richer than they will ever be. What a player! Ladies and gentlemen, what a player!

Salim: Jamal? God is good, Bhai. God is good. Maman's guys were out for us. We just had to escape.

Jamal Malik: Liar.

Salim: I left a message for you at work. We waited for weeks for you.

Jamal Malik: There was no message.

Salim: Bhai. I definitely left a message.

Jamal Malik: There was no message! There was no message! I will never forgive you.


1.go for: 选择的意思。影片中Jamal对支持人的提问做出回答:“我选择D选项。”

go for 还有试一试的意思。例如:To go for an interview  去面试

还有喜好的意思。看例句:I really go for oyster. 我真的喜欢牡蛎。

2.in the hot seat: 面临压力,身处困境。主持人对Jamal说:“你才应该如坐针毡呢。”来看例句:

Some people seem to always be in the hot seat. 有些人好像总是身处困境。

President Clinton has been in the hot seat a lot lately. 克林顿总统最近一直处在需做出许多重大决定的艰难局面。

3.got prey on:原意是捕食,也可引申为“得到”。这里是指Jamal就要回答正确,就要发财了。

Cats prey on mice. 猫捕食老鼠。

I know you always prey on weak people. 我知道你总是虎视眈眈以强凌弱。

4.leave a message: 为某人留言。Salim对Jamal说:“我给你留了言的。”

Please leave a message? 请您留言好吗?

They may have leave a message! 他们该留个字条才是!
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